Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sparrow's Dwelling

For the sparrow hath found herself a house, and the turtledove a nest for herself where she may lay her young ones: Thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my king and my God. Psalm 83(84):4.

King David writes often of a longing for the house of the Lord, and often dreams of it and foresees its realization. His longing must have been acute: he brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and it was his heart's longing to build a temple, yet God did not allow the mighty King David to build it, that task would fall to his son, Solomon.

In David's day, the dwelling place of the God of Israel was the Ark, and in Solomon's day in the Holy of Holies. Yet, we have something greater than the Ark, greater than the presence of the God of Israel in the Holy of Holies, for they had a shadow, a promise of that God Who would one day walk among men. Then, God's shadow was in the Ark, or in Solomon's day in the Holy of Holies, accessible to only the High Priest once a year.

In OUR day, we may enter God's Holy Temple - which is not in Jerusalem alone, but in every major metropolis, and in every humble village, in the stately Cathedrals or in the lowliest hovel. Our very God was born in a stable, He despises no earthly dwelling, but resides with us in the most intimate way. THIS is the good news: God lives among men! Not only did He walk the earth 2,000 years ago, He lives among us NOW in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. We receive Him in our hearts in Holy Communion. We may hold the most intimate discourse with Him "face to face" because He resides with us in His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist day and night. He waits for us, He watches for us, He protects and guides us constantly.

Yes, we have a privilege and a treasure that the great and mighty King David did not have and Solomon in all his riches and splendor could not even fathom. We have God's dwelling: He dwells with us in His temple, the Holy Catholic Church in majesty and power, and in His most humble throne in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, and invites us to adore Him, love Him and wash in the waters of Baptism and Confession in order to receive Him in our Hearts. Jesus Christ tears the very fabric of time and makes us mystically present at His sacrifice at Calvary through Holy Mass. Can we have a greater privilege? Can Jesus Christ possibly love us more than this? Can we doubt for even a moment that Jesus Christ loves us with a burning furnace of charity and forgives us with an infinite ocean of mercy?

Venite Adoramus! Jesus invites us to dwell with Him in His house. Come, let us adore Him!

I have loved, O Lord, the beauty of thy house and the place where thy glory dwelleth. (Psalm 26:8.)

I dedicate this first post to a very dear and very wise friend who suggested I create a blog. Thank you for everything.


Rachel said...

Wonderful commentary on Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I especially love "Jesus Christ tears the very fabric of time and makes us mystically present at His sacrifice at Calvary through Holy Mass. Can we have a greater privilege?"

Keep writing! I'm sure that there's a lot more inside of you just waiting to pour forth. Hugs

Sister Mary Agnes said...

Nice post!

Lisa said...

Very impressive and well-written, Bob. I love reflecting on the Old Testament because it makes me appreciate the New even more, which makes me appreciate the present even more. You captured the wonder and joy of living in the present. Congratulations on your first blog entry! I look forward to reading more.

Sparrow's Dwelling is a great name!

Robert Beaurivage said...

Thank you Rachel, Sister and Lisa for your encouraging words. It feels wonderful to be appreciated.

Rachel said...


You can't begin to know the depth of appreciation I have for each wonderful new friendship the Lord sends my way. You are a real gift from the Lord adn I am truly grateful that you are who you say you are and you live what you preach. May Our Dear Lord continue to bless your life for the sacrfices of reparation you are undergoing for His Holy Church. What treasures tehre will be for you in heaven. Maybe if I'm so blessed, I'll get to rent a tiny room in the basement of your palace! lol

Robert Beaurivage said...

Apparently, there is little demand for Heavenly Acres condos right now, so there are plenty of great deals. ;)

Seriously though, only in heaven can you possibly know how flawed I am. Part of me wants to steer clear of this sort of blog because I do not measure up. However, as I said in yesterday's article we must not let our imperfections get in the way of preaching Jesus in whatever capacity He leads us. His message is too important to wait that long. :)

Thank you for your confidence, Rachel.